We help our clients achieve growth and expansion. Our clients see an increase in their cash flow and their revenue, specifically because of our services. Herein you’ll find case studies that cite specific benefits that we’ve provided to our clients:
Fairfield Podiatry: www.FairfieldPodiatry.net
Business plan development
Creation of logo
Creation of slogan
Creation of letterhead
Creation of business cards
Creation of website
Webhosting and creation of emails
Creation of web presence
Procurement of telecommunications
Development and maintenance of social media accounts
Creation and procurement of print marketing materials
Creation of kiosk materials
Multimedia and voiceovers
Development of Powerpoint presentations
Solicitation of business
Event marketing for business development
Implementation of post-marketing followup campaigns
Implementation of CRM system
Creation of backup and disaster recovery procedures
Bruno Investigations: www.BrunoInvestigations.com
Consulting for office computer and printer selection
In-field support for linking surveillance systems to employee iPhones
Technology investigation services and consulting
Creation of reports, to be used toward criminal investigations
Implementation of corporate rebranding
Redesign of logo
Redesign of business cards
Redesign of website
Creation of YouTube presence, and development of videos and voiceovers
Education on various types of Internet marketing strategies
Business Furniture of Long Island: www.BFoLI.com
Performance of hardwire networking services
Implemention of WiFi systems
Interaction with ISP for telephone and Internet connectivity
Teaching the use of infrastructure technologies to office employees
Creation of technology and administration policies
Performance of market analysis, for growth and expansion
Creation of office-based outbound telephone database marketing campaign
Creation and implementation of marketing awareness campaign
Creation and implementation of client remarketing campaign
Creation and implementation of client referral prospecting program
Introduction of new business development technologies
Recruitment services for sales prospecting representatives
Sales training services
Management services for marketing services
Data mining and cross-marketing services
Reporting services
Implementation of CRM system
Triton Builders: www.TritonBuild.com and www.TritonWBE.com and www.TritonRetailConstruction.com
Research and procurement of multiple URL’s, to prevent competitors from acquiring them
Establishment of FTP site for transfer of large blueprint files
Creation of office-based outbound telephone database marketing campaign for obtaining retail bids
Recruitment services for inbound prospecting representatives for retail construction
Sales training services for retail bid preparation
Management services for marketing to retailers
Coordination of in-field and onsite appointments for retail bidding
Management of bid services for retail bids
Management of awarded bids for retail construction
Project management services for retail construction
Task order completion and reporting services for retail prospecting and construction projects
Collections of client payments from retail clients
Procurement and installation of GPS tracking systems for company vehicles
We’d like to hear from you. Kindly contact us to discuss your needs.
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Inception: 1999
Principals: 1
Max employees: 32
Max locations: 5 globally
Present markets: 6
Logo: Octopus, trademarked
Logo definition: 1 entity, multiple arms
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